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How Deep Is Your Faith?

The account of Abraham is of a man known for his infinite faith in God. His story exposes failures like those of all humanity, but he never lost his heart for the Lord. Abraham traveled to a foreign land with foreign people, following a God unfamiliar to these people. He built altars and prayed to the Lord as he moved about within this land. He spoke to and even walked with God. Abraham followed God in ways difficult for even the most faithful today. Abraham believed the impossible because he had an active and alive relationship with his God. 

Inside the record of Abraham, there is an often-overlooked story of his nephew Lot. It appears Lot, too, understood God; he chose to journey with Abraham to Canaan. He knew of the garden of Eden. He even recognized the angels that came to Sodom and decided to protect them. But, Lot was a tag-a-long. Wherever Abraham went, Lot followed. His faith was shallow. There is never an account of him praying. He is never said to have built even one altar to God or that he called out to Him. The riches that Lot acquired were due to Abraham as well. However, Abraham initiated peace between their herdsmen when quarreling began, and they could no longer stay together. Upon separation, Lot was selfish and took the most fertile and beautiful land he saw. On his own, Lot initially lived a superficial life of faith outside of Sodom, but eventually, he made a home within its city walls. The account suggests that Lot never taught his family the ways of the Lord. Lot knew God well enough to believe He would destroy Sodom, trying to warn his sons-in-law, but they thought he was joking. Yet, upon leaving Sodom, Lot hesitated, and the angels had to pull him out along with his wife and daughters. The story is even sadder. Their sin cost Lot’s wife her life and his daughters their inheritance from God. In this story, every time God spared Lot’s life, it was through Abraham’s faith and not his own.

So again, I ask, “how deep is your faith? Do you have the conviction of Abraham that can get you through the trials and solitude we find ourselves? The assurance in God that can overcome the added tests occurring within the pervasive pandemic. Solid trust comes from a united effort to build a relationship with God. Are you making time to read scripture, placing it in your heart? Talk to God and let him know how you feel; let him know how much you need him. Not in the bad times alone, keep the lines of communication open in praise and worship when He is pouring out the blessings. Don’t let your faith become shallow, superficial, and selfish as Lot did. When he left the closeness of those with firm conviction, he lost his way to sin. He had nothing to stand on but himself. 

When a cloud of darkness overcomes you, recognize where your help comes from and go to the Lord in prayer. He already knows what you need and has an answer waiting. Have your intimacy with Him established, for, in Him, you will find strength, comfort, and peace.

 5 Places Where the Bible Tells Us to Find Our Faith:

  1. Our Faith Comes From Hearing Romans 10:17, So faith comes from hearing, that is, hearing the Good News about Christ. The first step is knowing God’s Word, requiring a commitment to reading and studying scripture. Recalling God’s promises is made more accessible when written on your heart.
  2. Our Faith Comes From Speaking 2Corinthians 4:13 It is written: “I believe; therefore, I have spoken. Since we all have the same spirit of faith, we also believe and therefore speak,  We all know the importance of evangelism in the world. God’s Word is also a good source of spiritual nourishment for your soul when spoken aloud to yourself or prayed back to God.
  3. We Find our Faith in Jesus Hebrews 12: 2, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. Galatians 2:20 The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.  Remember, the source of faith is from Jesus himself. He set the example on the cross for all of us of faithful obedience.
  4. Ask for Faith from God Mark 9:24 Immediately, the boy’s father exclaimed, “I do believe, help me overcome my unbelief!” So, when we fail miserably, it is to Him that we take our prayers of needed faith.
  5. Faith Comes From Practice Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. 1John 5:5, Who is it that overcomes the world except the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God? What better way to perfect our hope than to develop it through the application. Show the world, yourself, and, most important, show God your faith in action.

Meditate on these scriptures and wait for God to reveal other ways to strengthen your faith through a relationship with Him.