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Samaritan’s Purse

Water, Sanitation & Hygiene

… He threw it in the water, and the water became fit to drink. Exodus 15:25


Providing Water for a Thirsty World

An estimated 842,000 people die each year from diseases caused by unclean water, inadequate sanitation, and poor hygiene habits. The majority of these are children in developing countries. Samaritan’s Purse works around the world to provide clean water and promote safe hygiene practices.

What You Can Do

Ocean Lakes Church is joining in the effort to provide clean water to those in need as a part of our Christmas giving to honor our Lord, who gave everything for us. The effort continues even after the holidays. Please consider a donation to this mission, and become a part of a life-changing experience worldwide. Click the link below for more information on what Samaritan’s Purse is doing in the world.

For  More Information 

 Water, Sanitation & Hygiene