
Thank you for supporting Ocean Lakes Church. Your financial support allows us to continue to bless others and spread the love of Christ in our community and beyond. There are Several Ways to Give:

The Offering Plate:

The offering plate is passed during each service. You are welcome to give as you are able.  Also, tithe and offering envelopes are located in the vestibule.

Mail Your Check to:

Ocean Lakes Church

1200 Dam Neck Road

Virginia Beach, VA 23454

(Please, don’t send cash through the mail)

 Online Giving Option: is a simple, safe, and convenient way to provide a one-time donation or much needed continued support for our mission.  Please use the Give button located on the right sidebar. You can also download the app for your mobile device to donate from anywhere or anytime. / 1200 Dam Neck Road*Virginia Beach, VA 23454 / 757-717-3729